Friday, August 14, 2009

The Top 3 Motivation Steps to Rule Your Destiny

The Top 3 Motivation Steps to Rule Your Destiny

Are you ready to take action? Are you motivated enough to do the things? Motivation is the key to success. Why? Because motivation triggers your decisions to certain actions. You will go the way which you are more motivated to take - consciously or unconsciously.

So, in order to follow your desired destiny you should take conscious control on your motivation. This way you will be able to direct your decisions and actions to achieving your goals and fulfilling your dreams.

In order to rule your destiny you should consider the following steps before every action you take and enterprise you start:These steps can be applied in any aspect of your life whether it may be your career goals, financial goals, social goals etc.

Lets get started..

1. Know your goal (your outcome)

Know your what you want to achieve very clearly because this is what you will achieve.Make sure you describe your outcome and try to visualize it in images and pictures , by doing this you create a strong pull and attraction towars your final outcome.

2. Know your reasons

Know or even write down why you want to achieve the specified goal. Know how this achievement will impact your life and the life of your family?We all need to have strong why for any goal we may have, again goals in any sphere of life..Strong "Why" is the key to success.

3. Know your strategy

At this phase forget about the tactics. You should have a vision, and a strategy about the general approach you will follow to achieve your goal.Having a detailed plan of action is one of the most important task to focus to achieve our goals.

If you follow these three steps you will dramatically increase the success rate of your actions and the satisfaction of your achievements. Go ahead and good luck!

Please do remember above three steps in any kind of endeavour you may undertake in your life.Follow the steps and mark towards huge success.

1 comment:

  1. Just remember success lies within you.
    I learned from a great book by Jack Hatfield called Natural Success Principles that You must embrace responsibility. If we do indeed believe that it is an obligation to develop into a success, you must first take responsibility of your task. If you friends are not doing so, then you may have to take that path less traveled alone. It may be hard and lonely sometimes, yet, when you arrive, it will be worth every step.


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